Frequently asked questions

Where does this graphics card list come from?

We aggregate into a single list graphic card offers from various online retailers (a.k.a. sources).

These offers are retrieved by API when available, or by webscraping otherwise.

Offers will be systematically withdrawn if they:

  • do not match a graphics card reference
  • match a graphics card with a benchmark of less than 2000 (most of the time this refers to cards released more than 10 years ago)

Offers will be withdrawn as far as possible if they:

  • are reconditioned or used
  • are out of stock
  • have an inconsistent price or vram quantity
  • contain misleading information about the actual card manufacturer
  • refer to a bundle (e.g. CPU+GPU or complete PC)
  • refer to a graphics card accessory and not to the graphics card itself

How often is this site updated?

The graphics card list is refreshed 6 times a day.

Why don't you always show the price variation percentages?

When the price has changed for more than 48 hours, knowing the previous price is of little interest.

Who are you?

GPU.Quest is made with ❤️ by © JYP Software (also behind Ctfreak, a task scheduler).

Is it free?

Access to the entire site is free.

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